Need good Thanksgiving recipes please tell me your favorite dishes and give recipes?

I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner and I would like some new ideas.

Well,this is my favourite recipe for’s called:


Serves 4
500 ml Cream
4 Egg yolks
1 Whole egg
75 gms Sugar
Vanilla essence a few drops
6 tbsps Brown sugar


Heat cream in a pan till it reaches the boiling point. Set aside to cool. Place egg yolks and whole egg in a bowl, add sugar and mix. Cook over a double boiler till the sugar gets dissolved, taking care that the eggs do not get scrambled. Add egg mixture to the cream and mix well. Preheat oven to 180°C.Add vanilla essence to the cream mixture. Mix well. Strain the entire mixture into another bowl. Pour the cream mixture into six ramekin moulds. Take a tray, pour some water in it. Place the moulds in this water bath and place the tray in the preheated oven. Bake at 180°C for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Remove from oven. Take the moulds out of the water bath and let them cool down to room temperature. Chill in the refrigerator. Just before serving sprinkle a tablespoon of brown sugar over the set custard in each of the moulds and brulee it with a torch. Serve immediately.

hope u like it…it has always been my favourite and I make it always whatever the occasion is.


thanksgiving dinner entertaining decorating and food ideas?

this is my first thanksgiving at my house, and i’ll have both sides of the family there, but it won’t be very big, only 10 or so people. any ideas to make it memorable? things that are budget friendly will help too. thanks!!!!

Ask each person to bring some object that is important to them. At dinner each one gets to show and tell. You may be surprised at what they bring and the stories that come out!

Hey, I think I’ll have to use this idea on my party blog.

How to Make Thanksgiving Decorations : How to Create Thanksgiving Streamers

Learn how to when decorating for Thanksgiving from a home décor expert in this free Thanksgiving video.

Expert: Matt Cail
Bio: Matt Cail is an artist who works in oil, water color and acrylic paints, among others.
Filmmaker: randy primm

Duration : 0:1:37

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Turkey Soup: Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes : Add Turkey Meat to Leftover Thanksgiving Turkey Soup

Learn how to add turkey meat to a Thanksgiving turkey soup in this free cooking video with turkey leftover recipes.

Expert: Brandon Sarkis
Bio: Brandon Sarkis has been a professional chef for more than 12 years, and he has worked in Austin, Texas, Columbus, Ohio, and Atlanta, Ga.
Filmmaker: brandon sarkis

Duration : 0:1:42

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How to Survive Thanksgiving : How to Plan Thanksgiving Accommodations

Learn why it’s important to plan accommodations for Thanksgiving dinner to survive the holidays with your family in this free advice video.

Expert: Matt Cail
Bio: Matt Cail is an artist who works in oil, water color and acrylic paints, among others.
Filmmaker: randy primm

Duration : 0:1:19

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Thanksgiving Recipes…from other countries??

Does anyone have any recipes for Thanksgiving , from other countries?? This year I wanted to make a thanksgiving dinner but with different cultured foods.Like Salvadorian Roasted Turkey. So, does anyone else have any good ideas??
I mean, like i no everyone else doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but I just want to know some good recipes that would be good for Thansgiving, I mean some recipes for Sweet Potatoes, or Cranberries or Stuffing or something like that something Fall-ish.

A Simply Perfect Roast Turkey:

READY IN 4 Hrs 30 Min

1 (18 pound) whole turkey
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 1/2 quarts turkey stock
8 cups prepared stuffing

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Place rack in the lowest position of the oven.
Remove the turkey neck and giblets, rinse the turkey, and pat dry with paper towels. Place the turkey, breast side up, on a rack in the roasting pan. Loosely fill the body cavity with stuffing. Rub the skin with the softened butter, and season with salt and pepper. Position an aluminum foil tent over the turkey.
Place turkey in the oven, and pour 2 cups turkey stock into the bottom of the roasting pan. Baste all over every 30 minutes with the juices on the bottom of the pan. Whenever the drippings evaporate, add stock to moisten them, about 1 to 2 cups at a time. Remove aluminum foil after 2 1/2 hours. Roast until a meat thermometer inserted in the meaty part of the thigh reads 180 degrees F (80 degrees C), about 4 hours.
Transfer the turkey to a large serving platter, and let it stand for at least 20 to 30 minutes before carving.

I am catering my first Thanksgiving dinner, I want everything to be perfect. Any ideas or advice?

My family is coming to visit me in NYC, my brother his wife and 3 kids. I only have a small dinner table round with 4 chairs, and there will be like 8 of us. what should i do?

have an adults table and a childrens table that way the adluts can sit in the chairs the kid can sit in the tv room or at a seperate flod up table

Thanksgiving Dressing: Turkey Stuffing & Cranberry Sauce

All eyes might be on your Turkey this Thanksgiving, but don’t think that means you can neglect your side dishes. Bad versions of any of them will stick out just as much as an overcooked bird. If your side dishes are in need of help, check out my video, as well as the article that follows. Come November 27th you’ll be glad you did.

Get the full recipe and more free cooking videos at:

Duration : 0:6:37

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How to Make Thanksgiving Decorations : Knick Knacks for Thanksgiving

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Learn how to when decorating for Thanksgiving from a home décor expert in this free Thanksgiving video.

Expert: Matt Cail
Bio: Matt Cail is an artist who works in oil, water color and acrylic paints, among others.
Filmmaker: randy primm

Duration : 0:1:28

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Thanksgiving Day Dinner Recipes : Cooking Sausage for Turkey Stuffing Recipe

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Learn how to cook sausage for turkey stuffing, a traditional Thanksgiving Day dinner recipe, in this free cooking video.

Expert: Lori Schneider
Bio: Lori Schneider is a chef and owner of Figs Catering in Austin, Texas.
Filmmaker: Drew Noah

Duration : 0:1:16

Read the rest of this entry »

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