What should I bring to Thanksgiving dinner? Need Ideas Please!!?

I am going to my boyfriends family’s house. I am travelling by plane the night before, so I can’t exactly bring a traditional dish kind of thing. I am in the wine country, and that is always a fall back. But I would prefer to bring something more wholesome and I don’t even know if they drink. It would be nice if it was somewhat of a hostess gift, or something. I just have no clue what would be appropriate. I will not go empty handed, that is for sure! Also, I am not affluent, quite the opposite, but I want to be generous. Help me brainstorm, I need ideas!

Why don’t you have a basket of fruit with a bottle of wine delivered the day you arrive — you can get them through your local FTD florist or on line though different companies. That way you don’t have to worry about taking it on the plane and it is a nice gesture that paves the way before you arrive.

8 Responses to “What should I bring to Thanksgiving dinner? Need Ideas Please!!?”

  • Diane B says:

    Why don’t you have a basket of fruit with a bottle of wine delivered the day you arrive — you can get them through your local FTD florist or on line though different companies. That way you don’t have to worry about taking it on the plane and it is a nice gesture that paves the way before you arrive.
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  • jmizzle says:

    I am not sure how long you and you mate have been dating but I love personalized gifts. I think a great idea would be to go to a shop like "Things Remembered" or any other shop like it that does engraving, have it engraved with "The ____ Family Thanksgiving 2007 " or something like that. Then take your digital with you, take some pictures of the family, and let his mother pick the picture to put in the frame, get it developed, and send it back to her with a letter thanking her for opening up her home and her heart to you, and you look forward to next year. Everyone in the family will love that picture, and each time his mother looks at it, it will also be a reminder that she has been blessed with another family member; you!
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  • JessHM says:

    pre-order and send a ham or something…they are always good!! Someone sends us one every year!!
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  • brooklyn7582 says:

    I agree—A basket of fruit with a bottle of wine would be really nice… OR call ahead to a local bakery and order a pie, and take it. Definitely get some wine with whatever you take.
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  • noteworthy5 says:

    Have you talked to your boyfriend for some ideas. Some of my favorite host gifts were large puzzles from their area.It give us something to talk about and helped them busy during all the family caught up that they didn’t know about.A friend from England bought us real maple syrup from "home".An other fun gift was a basket for after the companies left, It scone mix,tea, and tea pot with cups.The card read thanks for a relaxing time now it’s your turn to relax.
    Flowers and plants are always a safe way to go.
    Fruit baskets and goodies basket are enjoyed by all. I hope you have a great thanksgiving.
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  • reydi says:

    Two Words – Hickory Farms .. . . . have them ship a gift basket there. Those have nice snack foods for everybody pre-dinner. You can create your own or you can choose a premade on here are some nice ones :
    $25 – http://www.hickoryfarms.com/itemdetail.asp?itn=020635&catid=32

    Here is a very very nice one but a bit pricey – $70

    Or you can search internet for a local store in the area that would deliver one to their home.
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  • nickipettis says:

    i think that picking up apple cider at a grocery store
    (don’t make yourself crazy by carrying it on the plane)
    and bringing a set of spices from home ( for mulled or spiced cider) would be good.

    tastes good, smells good.
    warm and friendly.

    ISSUES: you need to make sure that there will be an empty pan and space on the stove, OR that there will be a crock pot available for this. else you need to carry the crock pot or give them one or something.

    the crock pot is a better solution since you wouldn’t have to make the cider in the crowded kitchen.

    if you think this isn’t a big enough gift, you could add several suitable mugs– something like that.
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  • Tom B says:

    a fruit basket of exotic fruits and a high quality fruit juicer machine, or maybe some mixed shelled nuts, something pretty as a table setting, or some high quality lead crystal wine glasses, or some exotic coffee.
    make up a basket of fruits, nuts, wine glasses, and Starbucks coffee.
    I don’t think you can bring a bottle of wine aboard a plane
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