Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade 2008 Rick Roll
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What is Thanksgiving Day without the Macy’s Parade? Here is a fun video from last year’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, where Foster and his imaginary friends and the parade viewers get Rick Rolled.
Video Source: Unknown
Duration : 0:2:9
[youtube zxIvLcfNHPE]
Maybe but i was too …
Maybe but i was too busy boning your mom to pay attention. Although i did learn my vowels. You know A, E,I, Y, and of course O I heard that a lot. Also you realize English is the single most up language in history. Can someone explain to me when the Y is a vowel?
Heh, he basically …
Heh, he basically Rick Roll’d the entire United States.
There’s no way to …
There’s no way to top this Rick Roll
New York just got …
New York just got rickroll’d
cheesed rick rolled …
cheesed rick rolled me
Is this how to …
Is this how to rickrolled started because this is a really ture surpised
I was traveling …
I was traveling that day and I was at Mcdonalds and they were showing this and i was watching it and when this came on i just burst out laughing so hard and everyone in Mcdonalds was like wtf.
is the real one
is the real one
love it. epic …
love it. epic rollage lol
wow his live …
wow his live performance is really good, sounds recorded. And this is funny!
lol everyone got …
lol everyone got pwnd but me
i wasnt watchin lol
there so cute im …
there so cute im mean the foster friends not him
the most epic …
the most epic moment in internet history.
the whole …
the whole nation got rick rolled XD
It was, he just …
It was, he just wasn’t singing.
the kids are like ” …
the kids are like “mum, who is that pervert?”
mum says “i don’t know but that pink puppet is your father”
Thank god. He …
Thank god. He saved everyone from Blu’s song.
i was there
it was …
i was there
it was so funny
it is an he got fat …
it is an he got fat….
Could somebody …
Could somebody please tell me if that’s Rick Alstley in person?
Rick roll’d in …
Rick roll’d in person!
this would be …
this would be 1,000,000,000,000x more excellent if he wasn’t lipsyncing
I LIKE RICKROLLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Rick Astley …
So Rick Astley Started rickrolling