Any ideas for conversation at the dinner table tonight for Thanksgiving tonight?
Me and the family our having our first dinner together in maybe 2 years. Were not so close any more. I’m just wanting everyone to enjoy this dinner as if it were any other. Like I said were not really close so what should we talk about?
It’s a dinner for 4. Me, my brother & sister (both younger), and my mom. If that helps any…..
Oh Happy Turkey Day to all! Best of luck on your meals together tonight!
well I see your questions late but in any occasions just be a good brother a son because that’s what you are you just be yourself and make them feel comfortable to talk with you.
Well, maybe you should play some nice background music and just relax and enjoy your meal instead of talking.
Good Luck!
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talk about ur life, wats happening, your new friends,your job, little things in your life, wat you watched on tv that was inteeresting, alot of little things go along way and you’ll become alot closer
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My dad’s rule was that you could talk about anything but politics and religion in polite company. I’m sure conversation will turn towards catching up, the food, sports, weather, celebrity gossip, or shows on TV or the last movies you’ve seen. Have a great Thanksgiving!
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you can talk about the global warming perhaps ?
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weel i think starberries dipped in choclate for desart andchicken wid rice and veg wid some other forr such as curry and roast beef and patatoe mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
References : den type recipes for tanks giving.
Play the question game. Its where every body goes around the table and asks a question and the whole table has to answer.
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well I see your questions late but in any occasions just be a good brother a son because that’s what you are you just be yourself and make them feel comfortable to talk with you.
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